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July Taffy Talk

Happy Birthday, America!

Hi, Everyone!

It’s great to have you with us for the launching of our new website!

Just like those brave American Patriots who signed the Declaration of Independence back in 1776, we here at Team Taffy are signing on to a whole new endeavor as well.

The Declaration of Independence is a written document that establishes our freedoms as citizens of the United States. We have written proof, thanks mostly to Thomas Jefferson, that we are guaranteed many rights, including Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

My team has purposed that each month we will show you parts of another written document. It’s called The Word of God, or the Bible. It is written proof, thanks to The Holy Spirit, that we can truly be free, not just in this life, but for all of Eternity.

In the Bible, the Book of John says that if God’s Son, who is Jesus, sets you free, then you are free indeed (NIV, 8:36). That is written proof clearly stating that if we receive Jesus, then we are “really and unquestionable free” (AMP). Those Patriots 241 years ago who signed the Declaration of Independence probably realized that they were destined for a completely amazing future. You can be destined for a new future too!

Receive Jesus Christ as your personal savior and guide through life and join my team each month as we explore God’s Word and learn how to do life together the God-Way.

Your Friend in Christ,

Taffy Taylor

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