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September Taffy Talk

Greetings, Everybody!

As the leader of Team Taffy, with Jesus as our Commander, let me just say to you that life can get absolutely CRAZY! With soccer practice, play practice, piano practice, and math (dare I even bring it up) practice, practice, practice, busy schedules and stress can really creep in. Add to all of that, the CRAZY people we deal with along the way. It does get hard to walk through this life the God-Way.

My dear Aunt Maude gave me a Bible verse the other day that I have been pondering (which means I think about it most of the time). It can be found in the Book of Colossians (New Testament). The Message Bible says in Chapter 3, verses 12-14, that we, as Christians, should "dress in the wardrobe God picked out for us." That means we are to treat other people with Love and always be quick to forgive them. WOW!

The hectic schedule is hard, but treating other kids with love and forgiveness is even harder. I know for sure that I can't do it by myself. When God says in the Bible that He will never leave me, I believe Him and trust Him to keep His Word. I need HIS strength to love others when they make me mad. I need HIM inside of my heart and my head so that I will be quick to forgive them.

All of us here at Team Taffy are committed to doing life the God-Way. That means we are doing what it says in Colossians 3. We are dressed every day with "compassion, kindness, humility, quiet strength, and discipline." We are determined to "forgive as quickly and completely as the Master forgave us." Join us in following Jesus Christ and HIS way of Peace. And know that you are not alone! You are part of the best team ever!



P.S. Read Colossians 3:12-14. It's totally awesome!

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