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October Taffy Talk


Hey, Gang! Happy Autumn to all of you! This is such an awesome time of the year! Our weather is changing from really hot to cool mornings and evenings. Goodbye shorts and Hello jeans! I don't know about all of you, but our schedule is full of fall parties, hay rides, pumpkin patch outings, and the upcoming events surrounding Halloween. It sure is a great time to be a kid!

Some for my friends at school have been talking about their costumes for Halloween and about going to some haunted houses on the weekends. I do love all of my friends, but something in my spirit, deep down inside of me, just can't get hooked up with this Halloween stuff. I try really hard not to judge others. I love my friends and pray for them instead. But Halloween was keeping me unsettled. So, what did I do? I asked my uncle Joe about it, of course.

With all of his Godly Wisdom, he sent me straight to the Bible. In 1 John 1:5b, it says, "God is light, pure light; there's not a trace of darkness in him (MSG). That sure does make sense to me! Inside of a haunted house, there will be No light. It will totally be a place of darkness. That makes me NOT want to visit one. Uncle Joe also gave me Philippians 4:8. It says, ". . . I'd say you'll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious - the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse (MSG).

All of the death stuff and scary stuff that comes with Halloween is certainly not beautiful. Most of it is more like the worst of life instead of the best. No one is praising God while they have on a zombie costume and they are covered with fake blood. After Uncle Joe gave me the Bible verses and I prayed about it, I now know that, for ME, a better choice on the weekend would be a party at my church or a hay ride with my family.

What you do, my friends, is totally up to you! Pray about it. God will listen to both your words and your heart. Above all, no matter what you choose to do, be safe at all times, and watch out for the safety of those around you. Remember, never judge. Be loving and kind no matter the situation.

Have a safe month and know that Jesus loves you!

Your friend in Christ,

Taffy Taylor

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