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November Taffy Talk - Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to all of our friends!

This is Wyatt. I am Taffy Taylor’s soccer buddy and good friend.

You can find out more about me on this website. Just click on

Team Taffy and look up my name. It won’t take you long to

figure out that I’ve had a rough road in my life.

Taffy’s uncle Joe told me once about some other guys who

lived long ago in the Bible and had it pretty rough. I think

their story can be found in Acts 16. Their names were Paul

and Silas, and they were going around telling everybody

about Jesus Christ.

Some people didn’t like their message about Jesus so they

beat Paul and Silas and threw them in jail. The amazing part

is that the two guys didn’t whine, cry, or complain. They didn’t

get mad at God either. They got on their knees in that jail

and sang praises to God. They actually thanked God for

all of His goodness.

Wow! That’s pretty awesome to me! It helps me realize

that no matter what has happened to me in the past, God

really does love me. No matter how bad stuff looks behind me,

Uncle Joe says that good things are ahead if I will only praise

God and thank Him.

Since this is the month we all celebrate Thanksgiving, I am

really trying to totally thank God for as many good things

as I can. Why not join me? Let’s put our mistakes and all

of the bad things that have happened behind us. Let’s

be like Paul and Silas and praise and thank God just because

He is good and He is faithful.

It’s been great to talk to you and encourage you. Get your

Bible sometime and read Acts 16: 22-40 to find out what

happened to Paul and Silas. Remember too, we are all in

this together, trying to do this life the God way!

Happy Thanksgiving!


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